Research and Development
Technical Museum in Brno is a research organization. The museum is recipient of specific grant for research, experimental development, and innovations. It carries out basic research, applied research or experimental development and spreads their results by means of presentations, education, publishing or technology transfer. The department of science and technology documentation and the Methodological centre for conservation were charged to fulfil the tasks of science, development, and innovation. A team of expert workers is in the long term occupied with research and documentation of the science and technology subjects. The team creates subject collections according to a collection plan. It solves internal research tasks and grant projects supported from public sources. It also presents the results of its explorations to the public in various forms inclusive exhibitions and expositions. The Methodological centre for conservation is a national Methodological workplace for the field of conservation-restoration of collection items from the Czech museum collections. One of the preferred aims of the centre’s research activity is improvement of effective protection of movable cultural heritage and improved care for collection funds at all levels. One of the centre’s priorities is the field of research and development. The aim of this field is improvement of effective protection of movable cultural heritage in the Czech Republic. The results of the research and development are spread by making available and by distribution of methodologies concerning good cultural heritage management. The Methodological centre for conservation organizes conferences and seminars and carries out standard publication activity (the journal “Fórum konzervátorů–restaurátorů”, professional publication “Konzervace a restaurování kovů. Ochrana předmětů kulturního dědictví z kovů a jejich slitin“, “Metal conservation and restoration. Protection of cultural heritage objects made of metals and their alloys”). The Methodological centre for conservation participates in education of secondary and university students and of workers active in the field of conservation-restoration of cultural heritage objects. The Methodological centre for conservation offers methodological service and consulting in the field of conservation and restoration for various entities, first and foremost for museums.